FIT for Life with Tony Mac - Videos

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FIT for Life with Tony Mac - Videos

Life Story - Promotional Video

Info Your interesting life story is worth its own video in documentary style. This video imparticular is for people around the world to get to know you, reasurring them that a healthier lifestyle is possible and showing off your personality in advance of the video meeting with you to see if they should sign up. Length Roughly 3 Minutes Platforms -Website -YouTube (Channel Trailer) - Facebook (Pinned to top for a while as an introduction) Potential Titles Include: - Fit for Life with Tony Mac - My Story -My Life Story - Tony Mac - Fit for Life with Tony Mac - How it Started What we Need -An interview to create a voiceover -Archive footage from instagram feed -Pictures/videos of younger Tony before and after lifestyle change -Shots of working out on same day as interview (optional)

Shoot for Video

For this, we will need to conduct an interview with yourself to gather the life story in a natural way. This will be made into the video by piecing together the explinations and answers. You will find the interview questions on the next slide. This is a special case, as we expect you to be able to comfortably chat about your life with the simple question asking to ‘talk us through your journey’. The other questions are there so that we can create a structure for the video and segway into the service. Although it is important that we ask these questions, it will be good to elaborate and create a discussion based on the main question. Our interviews are usually around five minutes. However, we expect this one to be a little longer as we are aiming for elaborated answers. We plan on filling a lot of the video with archive footage from your Instagram and past photos to show progression. However, if we are able to visit your house to film, we should record various cutaway shots so that we have more footage in the same quality as the interview.

-Tony working out in the garden -A kettle switching on, Tony making a cup of tea -Close ups of relevant gym equipment & healthy food.

Interview Questions

-What is your name, how old are you and what do you?

- Tell us about yourself, what are your current hobbies and past times?

-Talk to us through your journey, from unhealthy lifestyle to motivation and loosing weight.

-What is Tony Macs Fitness?

-What is a diet plan?

-What’s the difference between Tony Mac Fitness and a corporate diet plan such as Noom?

- Is there always hope for people over 40? How does someone change their attitude?

-What kind of attitude do you expect for applicants?

-What are the steps between now and starting the programme (meeting with Tony before signing up), what should the viewer do after the video ends?

Relevant Examples

KF Kitchens This video that we created for KF Kitchens is includes interview and cutaway footage, a great example of how we can create a structured video out of a successful interview. We filmed the kitchens in the same way that we will film yourself working out and objects relevant to your story and cut to throught the video. If you wanted to talk to the camera aside from the interview in this video, we can film a piece to camera segment alike the kitchen demonstration section in this video. ^ Embed this link here to fill this box

Relevant Examples

Dutemann This video not only informs the customer on what Dutemann do, but allows them to relate to the owners and understand their unique selling point and the reasons behind it. The video below is constructed from an interview and cutaway footage of the site. We can create an inspiring video if the person/company is passionate enough, in this case we are on to a winner as we have a progression to explore! ^ Embed this link here to fill this box

Example Found Online

A lot of people love watching body transformation videos. This American example that we found online has over 1,000,000 views. The subject (Amber) promotes her subscription service in the description, the same motive that we will have with this video. After seeing their progress/weight loss and feeling inspired, they trust her as a source to get healthy and check out her other social links. We plan on making a video that’s neater looking than this. However the interview style and photo/footage combination is what we are after! ^ EMBED THIS VIDEO


Once we have finalised a version of the logo that we are both happy with and decided on brand colours, we will create motion graphics that we can use to brand your content. This will include:

- A simple five second logo intro to introduce videos.

- A style text/background style when we need to display information via text in video.

- A lower-thirds name card to display your name or anyone else that may appear in future videos. - An outro board that we will use at the end of every video, displaying a website link and social media details (previous examples below). This is used as a call to action so that the viewer knows where to click next.

General Social Media Videos

We will create a folder that you can drag in any necessary video content for us to brand up or potentially use as a YouTube video or Instagram video. All videos for Instagram that are over a minute turn into IGTV videos, which are slightly different. Most social media videos that you record should be under a minute, or we can cut it up for you after recording! We can come up with ideas too but we do like the healthy amount of videos you have on Instagram and don’t think that should stop! If you send us future videos you’d like on there, we can add in a logo and make sure all the sizing/timings are correct before uploading so that the Instagram feed is nice and neat. We may even suggest an idea or two on how we can add to it and improve it with text and music. In the next few months, we’d love to film some short workout and healthy lifestyle videos for your YouTube channel. Before we get stuck into these ideas, let’s film you a great main video!

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