Darent Valley Hospital - DGT -Trust Strategy

About the Trust and our partnerships

Our partnerships in South East London and beyond Integrated Care Systems The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust is an associate member of the South East London Integrated Care System called ‘Our Healthier South East London’. Alongside the newly formed single commissioner, the Integrated Care System, which is made up of five providers and six local authorities, collectively serves a diverse population of two million people. The three primary aims of the Integrated Care Systems are: 1. Helping people to lead healthier and longer lives 2. Improving access and quality of care for everyone 3. Making the most efficient use of NHS funding To do this, there are a series of programmes: • Community-based care • Cancer care • Planned care • Urgent and emergency care • Care of children and young people • Maternity care • Mental health care • Specialised services • Transforming care • Digital • Workforce • Estates • Finance (including procurement) The Trust’s focus is on the health of the Bexley population. Bexley Local Care Partnership Within the South East London Integrated Care System, there are borough specific Local Care Partnerships. The Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust serves the population of Bexley and provides a number of health care services at both Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup, and Erith and District hospital in Erith. The vision is that Bexley will have a ‘place-based’ system of care, in which a range of partners

work together to provide person-centred care in a proactive and integrated way. This means organisations working in close partnership, sharing information to fully understand the needs of the population, and collaborating to manage the common resources available. The new, place-based system of care will be: • Person centred • Joined up • Unique to Bexley Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust operates the Queen Mary’s Hospital site in Sidcup, and we are the main acute provider there, providing elective care, diagnostics and outpatient services. Both King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Guy’s and St.Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust operate at Queen Mary’s Hospital, providing services to the population of Bexley. We have a hard and soft facilities management contract with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, and we pay rent to use the facilities. The Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust has been providing services from QueenMary’s Hospital since 2013 and is committed to continuing to do so, to not only provide a more local service for Bexley patients, but also to maximise the use of clinically appropriate NHS estate that can support operational changes in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. GST Healthcare Alliance Dartford and Gravesham Trust is the founding member of the GST Healthcare Alliance allowing patients and staff to benefit from the skills and expertise at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Networks We continue to work in partnership with other clinical and administrative teams to harness skills and expertise across networks. Networks provide an opportunity to share pathways and policies, scarce clinical expertise, and jointly develop improvements that benefit a wider range of patients and staff, as well as making the best use of NHS resources. In particular, we work closely as part of the Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance and the Kent and Medway Local Maternity System to introduce the changes to these services.


Trust Strategy Summary

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