Darent Valley Hospital - DGT -Trust Strategy
About the Trust and our partnerships
Our partnerships in Kent and Medway and our commissioners The success of our strategy is dependent on excellent partnership working with both local and national partners, including our community. Integrated Care System The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust is a member of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care System (ICS). Our Kent and Medway Integrated Care System 5 year delivery plan has informed this strategy, and the strategic objectives are: 1. Improving care quality and patient experience 2. Increased focus on population health and prevention 3. Driving financial balance, efficiency and productivity 4. Transformation of our workforce and infrastructure 5. A new integrated care system and delivery model These have been informed by our population health needs, public engagement and the system challenges. A comprehensive programme of work to deliver these continues to be delivered by all partners in the Integrated Care System. To aid this, there will be a single strategic commissioner from 2020. Integrated Care Partnership – Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley ICP The Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Integrated Care Partnership is developing a collaborative alliance approach to improve the populations’ health and well-being, reduce health inequalities and proactively support service users with integrated service delivery and personalised care. The priorities are: Focus on prevention and population health management; new relationship between local people and services; connecting people to community assets and resources; building resilient communities; working with local government and voluntary sector re the wider determinants of health; and, leveraging person and population level data. Prevention and population
Integrated services
NKPS A joint collaboration between Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust and North Kent Pathology Service (which launched in 2016) is the first joint pathology service in Kent and Medway. Elements of the pathology provision in Kent are centralised at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, with which North Kent Pathology Service has an excellent relationship. Together the Trusts in Kent and Medway continue to explore how best to collaborate on the provision of effective and efficient pathology services. NHS England/NHS Improvement regional team NHS England/NHS Improvement commission specialist services from the Trust and we work closely with the NHS England/NHS Improvement regional team regarding our governance and performance. NHS England/NHS Improvement provide a range of support that we regularly access, including support to our Emergency Department pathways, and we will be continuing to work with NHS England/NHS Improvement on responding to the challenges and operational changes that have emerged due to COVID-19. There are a series of workstreams that underpin this, and there is a governance system in place to oversee the successful delivery of the plans. For further information, see the Integrated Care Plan Five Year Plan. Planning and redesigning services with input from our residents & service users; integrating services around patients; urgent care that is integrated with primary, community, mental health and social care; reduction in emergency or unplanned interventions; and, the hospital will deliver only the services required in a hospital setting. Greater coordination of care; more services in the home and in community settings; integrated, multi-disciplinary community teams, linking hospital specialists to community-based care; greater use of technology to deliver care remotely; and, using social prescribing, community navigation and other tools to enable self care and self management. Care in the community increasing management of complex health needs in the community, offsetting some of the need for increasing the number of hospital beds; providing capacity to meet population needs; and, inpatient care only for those who need intensive or complex care. Managing complex needs
Trust Strategy Summary
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