Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy
Reporting and Communicating: Reporting Structure Our five quality priorities provide the overarching framework for Quality Improvement and Assurance at DGT. Through shared governance, we will empower our staff and through CQi training which will enable our staff to participate in delivering the objectives within each of our priorities. We aim to create a sense of joint ownership. Each of our Divisions will continue to have a Divisional Governance forum chaired by the Divisional Medical Director and Associate Director of Nursing, the purpose of which is to review implementation of all elements of the quality strategy, as set out in our five quality priorities, as well as providing oversight and scrutiny of quality in the division. Each of our Divisions will also host Quality Councils, to ensure that the principles of shared governance are applied at all levels of the organisation. Delivery of this quality strategy will be monitored at service, Divisional and Trust level at the Trust Leadership Team meeting, which provides assurance upwards to the Trust’s Quality & Safety Committee, and ultimately to the Board. The reporting structure is as follows: • Quality councils
Role of the Quality and Safety Committee • Accountable to the Trust Board for the consistent implementation of good systems of clinical governance, clinical effectiveness and risk management within the Trust. • Monitors action plans derived from selected external audits, reviews, assessments of clinical services and clinical audit priorities. • Assures the Trust Board on the management of clinical risks on the Trust Risk Register and the Board Assurance Framework. • Ensures there is an integrated and coordinated approach to the management and development of quality, patient experience and patient safety at a corporate level in the Trust. • Leads on developing and monitoring quality systems, making sure that quality is a key component of all activities. • Verifies compliancewithregulatory requirements and best practice within patient safety and patient experience.
• Divisional governance forum • Trust leadership team meeting • Quality & Safety Committee • Trust Board
Oversight of this strategy is via the Trust’s existing governance arrangements. The Trust Board sub-committees monitor and seek detailed assurance of delivery against the priorities and objectives identified. The Trust Board has oversight of all six Trust strategic priorities, and the Trust Board will seek assurance from each committee. The Trust Board continues to regularly welcome a patient or relative to describe their experience.
Trust Strategy Summary
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