Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy

Delivering the Quality Strategy

Patient and Staff Engagement Our aspiration is to work with patients along the engagement continuum, from informing to Partnering and empowering, in order to provide the best possible experience. We believe that only by working with our patients will the best possible care and experience be achieved. Wewill create the best possible patient experience at individual, service and organisational level by: • L istening carefully and responding effectively to our patients • B eing proactive in including and managing expectations • P ersonalising care • G etting the basics right The Patient and Public Engagement Continuum In 2019, we ran a series of patient engagement workshops with our patients and partners. Based on what our patients told us, we have decided to adopt the patient and public continuum engagement framework to develop our patient engagement strategy; we think that this will enable us to effectively engage with our patients and their families in different situations, services and across different aspects of patient experience.


Providing individuals and communities with balanced and objective information to assist them in understanding problems, alternatives, opportunities and solutions. For example, co-decisionmakingwhen considering options for treatment

Consulting/Responding to Feedback

Obtaining individual and community feedback. For example, acting on frequent feedback issues, responding to complaints and asking patients for their views on a range of options for change

Engaging and Involving

Working directly with patients and communities to ensure that concerns and aspirations are consistently understood and considered. For example, setting up reference groups, partnership boards etc.


Working in partnership with patients and communities in each aspect of the decision, including the development of alternatives and identification of the preferred solution

Partnering and Empowering

Placing decision-making in the hands of patients and communities. For example, personal health budgets


Trust Strategy Summary

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