Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy

Quality priorities

A culture of excellence Providing our staff with the best skills, training and education to deliver high standards of professional practice Lead: Chief Nurse

Trust Group / Coordinating Committee: CQi Academy, Quality Council, Quality & Safety Committee Outcomes:

• S Formalise clinical supervision process to ensure all staff have appropriate mentoring, coaching and supervision All staff have the core identified statutory and mandatory skills for their roles Staff receive appropriate education and training to ensure they have the right skills to support new models of care Safe, sustainable and productive staffing Ensure there is sufficient and sustainable staffing capacity and capability to provide safe and effective care to patients at all times A culture of excellence and investing in the skills and development of staff will improve the safety, outcomes and experience of our patients. Each of these outcomes are underpinned by a series of measures of success that will evolve over the duration of this strategy. These will be monitored and reported to the Quality & Safety Committee at a frequency agreed by the committee. See appendix for the specific measures of success for each of the five outcomes that together will deliver the quality priority, a culture of excellence. The Continuous Quality Improvement Academy and Quality Council will be established during 2020/2021, these will then report to the Trust Board and Trust Leadership Team respectively.

Feedback from patients and staff in June 2020, based on changes in practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, included the following recommendations to be taken forward relating to a culture of excellence: • Continuation of a clinical advisory board to review recommendations and proposed changes in practices/pathways to make quick, well- informed decisions • Nursing staff to have the opportunity to rotate to other areas of the hospital to enhance their skills and to improve communication between departments/services


Trust Strategy Summary

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