Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy
Quality priorities
Harm-free care Protecting our patients by reducing the proportion of clinical incidents that cause harm Lead: Chief Nurse Trust Group / Coordinating Committee: Patient Safet y Outcomes: • Robust, effective systems and processes are in place to deliver harm-free care all the time • E nhance the embedding of a safety culture in the trust ensuring learning from adverse events, and compliance with national best practice Both of these outcomes is underpinned by a series of measures of success which evolve over the five years of this strategy. These will be monitored and reported to the Patient Experience Committee at a frequency agreed by the committee itself. See appendix for the specific measures of success for each of the five outcomes that together will deliver the quality priority, a positive patient experience. The Patient Experience committee is a sub-committee of the Quality and Safety Committee and as such, the Patient Experience committee minutes are received by the Quality and Safety committee.
Feedback from patients and staff in June 2020, based on changes in practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, included the following recommendations to be taken forward relating to patient experience: • Patients attending hospital are required to wear masks and will have their temperature and symptoms checked • Seating areas have been adapted to allow for social distancing • Staff will be wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
Trust Strategy Summary
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