Oaks Plant Hire-Typography video - Apri
Animated publication
Oaks Plant Hire Infographic Typography Video, May 2021
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What is animated typography?
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What is an infographic typography video?
An infographic video is used to convey a message through interesting animated typography. Short phrases or sentences are shown on screen one after another using various creative techniques to enter frame and transition into the next sentence. We usually edit these animations in time to music, using fonts and art styles based on the brand or topic in question.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Example project
These images below are frames from an internal infographic video we created for our ‘Made in Kent’ series. You can watch the animation here. Depending on the project, backgrounds can range from colours, to images, to video/stock video.
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Title of video - Who are Oaks Plant Hire?
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OaksPlant Hire infographic typography video
We will create a video promoting Oaks Plant Hire’s products. In order to keep the video engaging and to allow the viewer time to read each line of text, we will keep each line as brief as possible, and straight to the point. The text animation is relatively simple so it does not distract the viewer from the point. The text is laid out on the next slide in bullet point form - each bullet point representing what will be shown at a time.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Content (Text on Screen)
- Who are Oak’s Plant Hire? - Here at Oaks, we have built up an excellent reputation for our services - to both trade and DIY customers over the 40 years that we have been trading. - We offer: - Plant & tool hire, - Transportation, - Servicing and repairs. - Our hire range will cater for whatever your need, from a half-inch electric drill to a 5-tonne excavator, - All are welcome to our extensively stocked hire shop! - We are proud members of a number of trade associations that monitor customer satisfaction and fair trading. - So, whether you need to buy or hire - we have got the - EXPERIENCE. - QUALITY. - RELIABILITY. - http://oaksplanthire.co.uk/ - 01732 459921
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Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Example slide
These simple mockups are to show how the video will look in line with your brand guidelines. The final slide is to demonstrate how we will use video footage to reveal text.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
In addition to the look portrayed in the last slide, we will use these colours: Colour #6aff22 Colour #00c100
Colour #8eff4c
Colour #ffffff
Colour #000000
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Endboard - Call to action
Following the typography, we will animate your logo alongside relevant information, to show where the viewer should click next. This will stay on screen until the last second of the video.
- http://oaksplanthire.co.uk/ - 01732 459921 - Oaks logo
This endboard section can be used at the end of future projects to keep brand consistency amongst your videos.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Sizes and format
We usually create videos in a standard 16x9 format (the shape all our examples have been given in) - which looks great on YouTube, Facebook and embedded on websites.
Following the completion and approval of this version, we can create a square variant for Instagram and a portrait version for IGTV, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram stories.
These versions will differ slightly depending on length of text, background image sizes and videos.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Next steps
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Next steps
If all aspects of this document are approved and ready to go, then we will begin animating!
It is important that both yourself and us at the Lab are happy with the text content. It takes a while to alter text after animating, so approval of content is necessary before we proceed.
After animation, we will send it over for feedback. Following this, we will make the required changes needed to complete the video.
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
Thank you
Thecreationlab.co.uk | help@thesupportdesk.co.uk | 0844 997 9797
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