Kent Online Reptiles Written Website Content

Amphibians Who doesn’t love the adorable faces and fascinating antics of frogs and toads? Members of the order Anura are unique, fun to watch, and often easy to care for. You’ll love watching them devour their food and play in their habitats! Be sure to visit our supplies page to fnd the perfect terrarium for your new Anuran friend. Species Available:

- milk frog - dart frog - tree frog - cane toad - bumblebee toad - Pacman horned frog Inverts

Bugs as pets? Absolutely. As some of the most fascinating members of the Animal Kingdom, arthropods display unique behaviours. Plus, they’re easy to keep, and some species will even let you handle them! Browse our selection of not-so-creepy crawlies below and discover the delights of arachnids, insects, and diplopods. Species Available: - spider - praying mantis

- scorpion - millipede Reptile Food

Keep your beloved pet healthy and happy with a variety of premium foods. No matter which species you own, we have options for you. Get them delivered straight to your door and have your favourite herp chow down! Live food Crickets, worms, and fies, oh my! Live food provides visual interest that makes your pet’s predatory instincts kick in. Order live food and get it shipped safely to your home. We have mealworms, wax worms, red wigglers, grubs, fies, snails, and other delicacies for your lizards, amphibians, and inverts.

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