Kent Online Reptiles Written Website Content
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Kent Online Reptiles: Website Content
Kent Online Reptiles Premium Reptiles and Vivarium Supplies
Find unique new pets and explore the fne art of herpetoculture. We have amazing species for sale, plus everything you need to keep your reptiles safe and happy. Reptiles for Sale We have dozens of stunning reptiles and amphibians who would love to come home with you. Get your amazing new pet delivered right to your door with our safe shipping process. From beginner’s level species to advanced-care herps, we have the perfect option for you. Love bugs? We also have invertebrates for sale! Snakes The source of many baseless fears, these ancient creatures are actually gentle, fascinating animals. Snakes are often content to hang out in their hides or trees, and many species are comfortable with being handled. Check out our selection of beautiful snakes below, then be sure to head over to our supplies page to equip your new pet with the perfect habitat! Species Available: - boa - tree python
- carpet python - royal python - ball python - olive python - Burmese python - rainbow boa - corn snake - milk snake - king snake - hognose snake - garter snake - house snake
Lizards Personable and unique, lizards are fun to watch for hours on end. Choose from our broad variety of delightful lizards, from the popular beardies to the stunning chameleons to the adorable geckos. Be sure to visit our supplies page to pick out the ideal terrarium for your new scaly friend! Species Available:
- bearded dragons - leopard geckos - frilled dragons - ridge-tail monitor - Bosc monitor - tegu monitor
- Asian water monitor - rough-neck monitor - Australian water dragon - blue-tongued skink
- crested gecko - fat-tail gecko - gargoyle gecko - giant day gecko
- Moroccan uromastyx - panther chameleon - Rankin’s dragon - Yemen chameleon - long tail lizard - Jackson’s chameleon Tortoises
Looking for a lifelong pet? A tortoise will provide you with decades of companionship. Known for their afectionate behaviour and unique characteristics, these land-dwelling turtles are the perfect pet if you want an intelligent, charismatic reptile. Species Available:
- Horsefeld’s tortoise - Hermann’s tortoise - leopard tortoise - red-footed tortoise - sulcata tortoise
Amphibians Who doesn’t love the adorable faces and fascinating antics of frogs and toads? Members of the order Anura are unique, fun to watch, and often easy to care for. You’ll love watching them devour their food and play in their habitats! Be sure to visit our supplies page to fnd the perfect terrarium for your new Anuran friend. Species Available:
- milk frog - dart frog - tree frog - cane toad - bumblebee toad - Pacman horned frog Inverts
Bugs as pets? Absolutely. As some of the most fascinating members of the Animal Kingdom, arthropods display unique behaviours. Plus, they’re easy to keep, and some species will even let you handle them! Browse our selection of not-so-creepy crawlies below and discover the delights of arachnids, insects, and diplopods. Species Available: - spider - praying mantis
- scorpion - millipede Reptile Food
Keep your beloved pet healthy and happy with a variety of premium foods. No matter which species you own, we have options for you. Get them delivered straight to your door and have your favourite herp chow down! Live food Crickets, worms, and fies, oh my! Live food provides visual interest that makes your pet’s predatory instincts kick in. Order live food and get it shipped safely to your home. We have mealworms, wax worms, red wigglers, grubs, fies, snails, and other delicacies for your lizards, amphibians, and inverts.
Frozen and other food Feeding a snake, monitor lizard, or hungry pacman frog? We sell frozen mice, rats, and chicks. Need to stock up on goodies? Check out our selection of freeze-dried and canned foods. We’ll help you keep your pet satisfed! Reptile Equipment Your new reptilian, amphibian, or invertebrate friend needs a special setup to replicate their natural habitat. We know you want to provide a safe, enriching environment so they can enjoy their best lives! Shop our selection of vivarium and terrarium supplies, and get ready to set up the perfect habitat for your new friend. Reptile Housing Give your herp friends a warm, secure habitat with places to hide and climb. We also have semi-aquatic terrariums for frogs and water dragons, and arboreal setups for chameleons, tree boas, and geckos. Shop our selection of tanks, hides, and decor to make your pet as comfortable as possible! Lighting and Heating All reptiles, amphibians, and inverts are cold-blooded, meaning they need special heating and lighting. We have heat lamps, UVB lighting, ceramic emitters, and everything else you need to keep your new pet warm and healthy. Decor Don’t leave your new reptile or amphibian bored with nowhere to go. Our wide variety of climbing vines, faux plants, hides, basking rocks, and other decor can make your vivarium or terrarium better than nature provides! Shop now and get durable, pet-safe decor delivered straight to your door.
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