Havering Academy - The Podcast Guest Guide

Animated publication

Havering Academy - The Podcast Guest Guide

thecreationlab.co.uk | 0800 644 7070

The Creation Lab | www.thecreationlab.co.uk

The Podcast Guidelines

We are looking forward to having you on the Havering Academy podcast! Please read this simple guide prior to joining our podcast. What browser should I use? We use a recording studio software called Riverside, which records audio and video in crystal clear quality for every guest. Our recording engine works only with Google Chrome on laptops or desktops. So please make sure you have downloaded and are using that browser, otherwise you won’t be able to join in. You can download it here. Technical guidelines ● Make sure you have a strong internet connection, up-to-date Chrome browser and are situated in a quiet place with your phone/notification sounds on silent and doors to noisy rooms closed! ● If you can turn lights on and ensure you are well-lit, that would be perfect. No video footage will be uploaded as a part of this podcast, but other guests will still be able to see you! ● Use an external mic if possible - wired headphones with a microphone on the cord (such as apple earphones) will work great! ● Please use headphones if possible as this will solve feedback issues. If you’re not using headphones make sure you select the “I’m Not Using Headphones” option when you join Riverside Studio.

The Creation Lab | www.thecreationlab.co.uk

Where will this be streamed? This will be released on major audio platforms including the two biggest, Spotify and Apple Podcasts! It will be available for free to all listeners. Please be aware that by taking a part in our podcast you are agreeing for this audio footage to be streamed on all streaming platforms. How to join

Prior to the meeting, we’ll provide you with the link to join Riverside Studio. Please enter your name and select whether you’re using headphones or not. Then click “Join Studio”.

You’ll also have the option to choose your camera and microphone. Your built-in camera and microphone will be your default ones. If you’re using an external microphone or camera (or both), please make sure you select them before joining the studio.


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