FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue

MEET THE GROWER Domaine de Jale

MEET THE GROWER Château Léoube

Domainede Jale sits inlandon the road to Vidaubanand is punctuatedby outcrops of granite. Anne Seminel andher husbandDimitrimanage every detail under thewatchful eyeof François Seminel, althoughhe still finds time topursuehis passion for

Château Léoube’s magnificent organic estate sits in themidst of a national park which abuts the Mediterranean in Bormes-les-Mimosas. Wines are meticulouslymade by RomainOtt, whose family own the neighbouring estate of Domaine Ott.


livemusic!Wildherbs including fennel, lavender and rosemary are found in the vineyard, andprovide a subtle reference to thewines; indeed, the cuvéewe ship is titledLes Fenouils, reflecting the fennel found there. A littlewhiteVermentino is blendedwith theGrenache, Syrahand Mouvèdre. Thesewines are super pure, andAnne is amajor believer in “debourbage,” aprocesswhich allows the sediment to settle in the tanks over a coupleof hours, prior to fermentation, following which thewine is rackedoff, and is therefore super cleanandpure. Thesewines are electrifyinglypure, bright andexpressive andmodest inalcohol too.We aredelighted to be theirUK importer.

Principally theymake exquisite dry roses: Rosé de Léoube, Le Secret de Léoube, and La Londe. The defining character of these wines is the silky texture, and purity of flavour. They are super fine, and really leave one feeling invigorated, such is their purity and authenticity. Magnums, Doublemagnums and Imperials are all produced,

and for me a doublemagnum (3 litres) is the perfect vessel to enjoy the wine in!

CÔTESDE PROVENCEROSÉ, CUVÉE LES FENOUILS DOMAINE DE JALE 2019 DRINK2020 - 2022 Our classic and superb Provence rosé. Piercingly pale, highly concentrated nose. Ripe lemon pith, fennel seed - as the name suggests, wild strawberry andmelon fruit. Citrus, orange peel and blossom with a wonderful, long and fresh finish. Only 12.5% abv and extremelymore-ish. 6x75 £55.61


6x75 £71.61

Very pale, bright and alluring in the glass. The nose instantly offers up delicate orange peel, grapefruit, citrus and chamomile underpinned by subtle red berry notes. The palate is refined and pure with lovely volume of silky fruit; summer berries in a glass. Dry and organic this is excellent.



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