FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue
MEET THE GROWER Domaine Tessier MEURSAULT Domaine Tessier began bottling their wines in 2005 when Arnaud’s father, Michel, died suddenly and Arnaud and Catherine took the helm. Grapes from their 7.5 hectares went to négoce, such as Maison Verget, and Arnaud’s grandfather regularly sold plots to Coche Dury. They now bottlemore than half of their 7.5 hectares as contracts on the grapes have expired. Arnaud is probably found (driving his fun-looking dune buggy) among the vines more than Catherine but their workload (and childcaring!) is split equally in a thoroughly contemporary style. Indeed, their winemaking is in the same vein. They show keenminerality and acidity, yet they also provide sumptuous ripe fruit around this firmcore that exudes concentration. They aremore approachable, understandable and perhaps – at earlier stages – more enjoyable than the excellent wines of Domaine Ballot-Millot we tasted the day before. This was our second year tasting at Tessier. Their little daughter guards the entrance to their lovely house inMeusault with a humorous “NON!”. The cellars under their house are classic and this small-ish Domaine produces dynamic and glorious wines – and in increasing volume as the contracts expire. We couldn’t take any wines last year as volumes weremuch reduced in 2017, but our persistence paid off and we visited as a team for a hugely enjoyable tasting. We’re delighted to enlarge the FFWportfolio with this excellent Domaine.
6x75 £225
6x75 £240
A blend of Corbins andMireau lieux-dits. This is mineral, very fine and graceful. There’s sweet fruit and almost love-heart aromatics continuing with more stone-fruit on the palate.
Very precise this. Verymineral. The under-rock breaks through to the top-soil – which is very thin. There is a quarry right next to the vineyardwhich gives a great indication of theminerality here. Sweet fruit and mineral purity. Lemonmousse, pure with a soft and creamy texture.
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