FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue

Côte de Beaune


The southernhalf of the fabledCôte d’Or, this wonderful area of vineyards spans approximately 25miles froma little north of Beaune - the village of Pernand-Vergelesses - to Santenay in the south. The Côte de Beaune is more about whitewines, and produces 70% white to 30% red, including the spectacular GrandCrus of LeMontrachet, Bienvenue- Bâtard-Montrachet, Bâtard-Montrachet, Criots- BâtardMontrachet, Chevalier-Montrachet, Corton-Charlemagne, and the rare Corton Blanc. The redGrandCrus of Corton are fabulous – they tend to have less volume than those fromCôte deNuits, but plenty of minerality. There are three famous whitewine villages south of Beaune – Puligny-Montrachet, Chassagne-Montrachet andMeursault. Puligny (pronounced Puleenee) tends often towards a nuttiness and lovelyminerality. The best 1er Cru vineyards in Puligny are Pucelles, Combettes, Perrières andChamp-Canet. Puligny-Montrachet and home to perhaps the most famous GrandCrus of LeMontrachet, Chevalier, Batard and Bienvenue-Batard Montrachet. Chassagne has lovely florality on the nose andmore volume. InChassagne which is home to no less than 48 Premier CruVineyards look out for the amazing La Romanee, EnCailleret, Boudriotte, Chenevottes and EnRemilly. Thewines ofMeursault tend towards a littlemore volume and a lovely texturewith a rich and savoury quality.

Clearly in all cases it is down to the grower, whowill determine howmuch pleasure us drinkers derive fromthe various vineyards. The grower is key and can really determine both price and pleasure. Look out for Etienne Sauzet and Domaine Leflaive in Puligny. InChassagne there are no better thanDomaines Moreau and Pillot , and inMeursault themighty Guy Roulot , Jobard and thewonderful Ballot-Millot . Well worth seeking out are the Bourgogne Blancs fromgreat growers whichwill demonstrate their excellent winemaking nose, while not causing your bank account toomuch dismay. The red vineyards of Pommard, Volnay, Savigny-les-Beaune, Beaune andChorey-les- Beaune are delicious discoveries. Domaine Tollot-Beaut inChorey is simply delicious drinking, and sensibly priced. InVolnay and Pommard both, look out for the charming wines of Voillot , and of course the impressive Comte Armand wines the best of which is their Monopole Clos des Épeneaux. Chandonde Briailles make amazingwines in Savigny-les- Beaune, Beaune, Corton, Pernand-Vergelesses and some superb Bourgogne Rouge (which, by theway, is always a good appellation to buy in a decent vintagewhenmade by a good grower). Julian Chamberlen



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