FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue

Formany of our clients these areprerequisites toensure their investment and safekeeping of their cellar is assured for verymany years to come. If any of these crucial questions can’t be answered to your absolute satisfaction though, youmay justwant to consider consolidating all your stockunder one roof (or 130 feet underground…more to thepoint!)withus atOctavianBond, Corsham. Many clients fromaround theworldhave enjoyedabespoke tour of the cellarswithoneof their hugelydedicatedcellarmanagers (andyou’ll seewhatwemean if youcome andmet oneof them), witha chance to inspect your own stocks toensure everything is absolutely aswe’dexpect. Coupled witha spot of lunchnearby, it’s a surprisingly rewarding andeye-opening experience, we can assure you. AswithmostUKmerchants, and inaddition toall these Storage ‘Must-Haves’ above, the following services arepart of your account holdingwithus at Farthinghoe. Again, if you’renot receiving these services, youmaywant to considerwhynot!


DRINK DATE ADVICE We endeavour toproduce a suggested drinkingdate for every caseofwineonyour stock report and sendyoua reminderwhen yourwines needdrinkingup…nothing worse than seeing themgopast their best.

WORLDWIDE SHIPPING Withour scheduled shipments toHong Kong, Singapore andSydney, andbespoke shipping services elsewhere, we canensure yourwine canget to youwhenyouneed it – be it inEurope, theU.Sor elsewhere. If it’s possible to ship, we’ll do it! STOCKMANAGEMENT AND RECONSOLIDATION If youhave stock coming in from anothermerchant, we canhelp liaise with that process, ensure it is received onto your account correctly and load it onto your stockholding reportwithus at Farthinghoe.


Through theLiv-Expricing and trading platform, we frequently analyse stock and make suggestion for trades or stock-swaps . These areoftenwineswe’ve identified to haveperformed toa certaincriteria, seem intrinsically overpriced, andareworth tradingout of, witha viewto rotating proceeds intobetterwines for lessmoney. Unsurprisingly, these are extremelypopular!

Asmuchaswe’d love to thinkwemight be your onlywinemerchant, we’re realistic that you might just doabit of shoppingwith someof theotherfinewinemerchants in theUK– indeed, they might be your preferredmerchant andyoudoa little shoppingwithus fromtime to time! Typically, wepass on theOctaviancosts of receiving stock into your account andhaving it loaded onto your Farthinghoe stockholding report, the cost ofwhich is £7.50 +VATper case. If this all makes sense andyou feel you’d like to consolidate all your stockheldelsewhereonyour Farthinghoe Account atOctavianplease get in touchandwe can start toget theball rolling. It’s terribly straight forwardand, aswe’vedonemany times before for others, we can look after virtually all of the process for you. Youmay of coursebepartway througha rental periodelsewhere, inwhichcasewe canmake a diarynote to contact younearer the time.



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