FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue
Fine Wine Storage THE IMPORTANT BITS The challenges of 2020have thrown into light some important aspects about thefinewine storagemarket andwhether you, as a client, actually ownyourwine? If yourwinemerchant found themselves in trouble, is yourwine ring-fencedand secure? At Farthinghoe, wehavehada rigid structure inplacewithOctavian fornearly thirty years toensure yourwines are exactly that – ring- fencedand securely inyourname. So if youchoosenot to store yourwines exclusivelywithus atOctavian, youmaywell like to checkourfive-point check list below, whichanyonewith InBond stock in theUKshouldbe asking themselves. If one can’t tick all five answers toone’s total satisfaction, thenperhapsQuestion#6 becomes pertinent.
The cellars at Octavian, Corsham
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