FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue
The Finest Stemware
Thinking about it logically, one cancommit a lot ofmoney, time and passionbuying greatwine, storing it perfectly, decanting it and, in the final hour of its long life, losing 50% of the aromatic beauty and taste sensationbyusingmediocre glasses – adisappointing end to sucha promising and investedenterprise! STEMWARE… Tohelpone avoid this terrible error, Farthinghoehas teamed upwithZalto, whose tagword ‘Glasperfektion’, sums it up for us. It’s soeasy tooverlook the importanceof goodglasses but itmakes suchahugedifference. They accentuate all thewine’s characteristics, creating greater intrigueon thenose andpleasure in themouth. Zaltoglasses are incredibly thin, elegant and light and just beautiful tohandle – the stems actuallyflex as you swirl! Despite their elegance, they are 100% dishwasher proof andbeing lead- free, remainabsolutely clear and bright, despite almost dailyuse. DECANTING…. Many of us associatedecanting witholder vintagePorts or aged Bordeaux –wines that throwoff a lot of sediment as they age. Decanting separates thebrightwine from the cloudy sediment, allowing it to lookbeautiful in the glass – oneof thepleasures – but also separating the astringent characteristics of the tannins. Slowly andcarefully
decanting awine ensures that the sediment stays in thebottle andyou get abeautifullybrightwine in the decanter, and subsequently inyour glass. Just as one loses the angel’s sharewithwhisky, one should always sacrifice that final half glass of dirtywine at thebottomof the bottle. Amore everyday reason to decant is toaerate thewine and I feelmostwines benefit frombeing decanted, and it looks somuch more stylishof course! Many young wines canbe tight or closedon thenoseor palate. As thewine is slowlypoured fromthebottle to the decanter it takes inoxygen, helping toopenupand release those aromas andflavours.Highly tannic and full-bodiedwines benefitmost from this. If youdon’t normallydecant yourwine, pleasedo try it, you’ll be amazedat thedifference. As obligedas onemay feel to use thewedding-giftedcrystal-cut glasses sitting in the side-board, we would thoroughly recommenda small investment in somebeautiful Zaltoglasses. Designedandhand- crafted tomake yourwines look, smell and taste at their verybest, just begs thequestion…. whywouldn’t you?
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