FFW 2021 Wine Catalogue

South Africa


South Africa has a very long history of winemaking, dating back to 1659, so it follows that they know a thing or two about themighty vine. Approximately 110,000 hectares are under vine, which equates to around 2% of the world’s vineyards. Most of the best wine is made in and around the Cape, with quality regions being Stellenbosch, Constantia and Paarl. Stellenbosch is perhaps themost famous region outside of South Africa, with a focus on red wines, primarily Cabernet Sauvignon and Bordeaux blends. You can find Farthinghoe favourite, Glenelly, tucked into the hills here. The French influence descends from the Huguenot colonists arrival in the 1690s, and Stellenbosch is now home to 1/5th of South Africa’s grape vines. In Constantia, you have the excellent Klein Constantia , who produce a divine sweet wine, Vin de Constance, which is lovingly referred to as the “Yquemof the NewWorld.” Klein Constantia as an estate has been about since the 17th century and has beenmaking dessert wines since its purchase by Hendrik Cloete in 1778 – not a bad pedigree! Themain focus in the region is on Bordeaux blends and Sauvignon Blanc, alongside the sweet wines based onMuscat Blanc. To the east, themarginally cooler area of Walker Bay produces some good Burgundian influence Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. Themaritime influence tempers the heat, and allows for a different style than seen in the rest of the Cape. For a wonderful Walker Bay Pinot, we like Hamilton Russell . Julian Chamberlen

Stellenbosch within South Africa



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