Eltham Workwear - Google Analytics Report October 21

Website breakdown

In October your website has experienced more users than the previous month, September. Website users have a great average session and also a good bounce rate this month which means they stay on the site for a long time! Although, we can see your individual bounce page data is not as good. Lots of people are visiting your homepage but on the individual pages are leaving quite quickly. We would suggest here putting more engaging content on the homepage. We suggest a video would be a good route to take here or a click- to-call button would be great so that the users make contact with you. Your SEO results are great also! One thing we have noticed is your keyword ranking is quite low. We can produce some new current SEO keyword research which we can implement on your site and therefore, improve your SEO. Your site is very user friendly on both mobile and desktop. We can denote from your analytics that your highest amount of trafc comes through desktop users, closely followed by mobile - which is why we suggest posting more regularly on your social media to cater for those users.

www.thecreationlab.co.uk | 08006447070

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