Darent Valley Hospital - DGT -Trust Strategy

Building our strategy

Reporting and monitoring the delivery of the strategy The reporting process is summarised below. The integrated performance report will continue to be received on a monthly basis to the Finance Committee and Board. It will be structured to align with the six strategic priorities and the national, compliance and performance standards that require exception based reporting to and oversight/scrutiny from the Trust Board. Reporting against strategic priorities will improve the alignment and awareness of the wide range of programmes that the Trust is delivering, both internally and with our system partners in the ICP and ICS, as these will no longer report in isolation but instead report against the relevant objective and strategic priority.

Statistical process control charts Statistical process control charts are an essential quality tool for data collection and analysis of the impact interventions as they allow for comparison to past years’ performances, illustrating the impact of the current interventions. In doing so, they demonstrate when a variation in performance has occurred, allowing an informed decision to be made to either take new action or to continue with current processes. This form of reporting will enable the Board to be able to measure the level of progress being made towards delivering the strategic priorities. An example chart shows the upper control limit and lower control limit set by previous years’ performances, and the data plotting of this year’s performance.



Board Assurance Framework (BAF) TheBoardAssurance Framework is akeymechanism used by the Board to describe and manage the risks to delivering the Trust’s strategic priorities. The Board Assurance Framework will therefore be structured into the strategic priorities from April 2020 and risks will be articulated and scored in relation to the 2020-2025 strategic priorities.

1. Named Lead for the outcomewill receive regular updates from each of the programme leads 2. Lead Executive Director for the strategic priority will receive regular updates from the named lead 3. Trust Board Sub-Commitee will review all KPIs for the relevant objectives 4. Trust Board will monitor the progress against delivery of the Trust strategy with an aggravated RAG rating and will receive KPI updates on an exemption basis


Trust Strategy Summary

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