Darent Valley Hospital - DGT -Trust Strategy

Our strategic priorities

Working smartly within our means

Making sure that we do the best for our patients by achieving all of our targets, and making the best use of available resources.


1. Deliver our agreed financial and operational trajectories through effective and efficient ways of working, including with our partners. Lead: Chief Operating Officer Delivery programme: a. Quality innovation b. Productivity and prevention programmes c. A&E delivery board

2. Eliminate unnecessary variation in our processes by putting in place standard operating models. Lead: Chief Operating Officer Delivery programme: a. Trust Leadership team governance b. Theatre productivity c. Outpatient transformation d. E-noting and e-prescribing & medicines administration e. K&M stroke review Timescale: 2021-22 4. Ensure we have effective financial reporting and the associated systems for understanding and improving performance. Lead: Chief Finance Officer Delivery programme: a. Performance management framework b. Earned autonomy c. Effective Care quality priority d. Finance charter Timescale: 2021

3. Ensure we have an evidenced-based process for assessing value for money and sustainability. Lead: Chief Finance Officer Delivery programme: a. Service line reporting, patient level information and costing system

b. Use of resources assessment c. Smart procurement processes Timescale: 2021

Executive Lead: Chief Finance Officer and Chief Operating Officer Lead Executive Committee: Finance


Trust Strategy Summary

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