Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy

Quality priorities

Our vision: Providing outstanding care which is skilled, trusted and kind, every time

Our Strategic Priorities delivered through the the Quality Strategy Journey to Outstanding Ensuring patients receive outstanding clinical care, are kept free from harm and are treated with thoughtfulness, skill and respect. Continuous quality improvement To be a learning and improving culture, using continuous improvement to discover, create and innovate. Our Quality Priorities are delivered through: • a culture of continuous improvement; • listening and involving our patients, • patients’ families and our staff; • and, a system of shared governance. These have been developed considering: • performance against our quality priorities for 2019-2020; • our 2019 CQC inspection feedback; • Better Births Strategy; • National Patient Safety Strategy; • patient and staff feedback; • COVID-19 experience and learning;

Enriching the experience of our patients and their families. Positive patient experience Protecting our patients by reducing the proportion of clinical incidents that cause harm. Harm-free care Improving clinical outcomes for our patients by providing the best evidence-based care, every time. Effective care Providing our staff with the best skills, training and education to deliver high standards of professional practice. A culture of excellence Attain performance to be in the upper quartile of organisations with the lowest risk adjusted mortality rates. Reduced mortality

• our ICP and ICS plans; • Learning from Deaths; • and, our Trust Strategy for 2020-25.

For further information on our performance against quality metrics, see our 2019/20 Quality Report.

Our values:


Trust Strategy Summary

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