Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy
Executive summary
Our vision: Providing outstanding care which is skilled, trusted and kind, every time
Quality Priorities:
Positive Patient Experience Enriching the experience of our patients and their families. • Involving patients, families and carers in designing and improving care • Listening to feedback • Staff feel services provide the best quality care • Improving care for children and young Harm Free Care Protecting our patients, by reducing the proportion of clinical incidents that cause harm. • Effective systems and processes to deliver harm free care • Patient safety culture through learning and adopting best practice Effective Care Improving clinical outcomes for our patients by providing the best evidence based care, every time • Care is provided in the right place at the right time • Improve clinical effectiveness through learning
A Culture of Excellence Providing our staff with the best skills, training and education to deliver high standards of professional practice. • Clinical supervision, education and training to develop staff’s skills in providing outstanding care • Safe, sustainable, productive staffing to provide effective care Reduce Mortality Attain performance to be in the upper quartile of organisations with the lowest risk adjusted mortality rates. • Continuously strive for the lowest mortality rates
Trust Strategy Summary
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