Darent Valley Hospital - DGT - Quality Strategy

Delivering the Quality Strategy

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQi): To be a learning and improving culture, using continuous improvement to discover, create and innovate Quality Culture: A strong and positive culture of continuous improvement is reported across the organisation Our culture of continuous quality improvement will: • B e nurturing and learning, where staff are supported, provided with training and education and have the knowledge and skills to drive and deliver quality improvements • P roactively encourage staff to be engaged in identifying, shaping and delivering quality improvements • S hare learning and celebrate successes, rewarding our staff for their achievements • V alue the great capacity that a diverse workforce that feel and experience equality, belonging, fulfilment and inclusion provides to foster innovation and creativity This culture means that we will: • h ave a relentless focus on the needs of patients, families and staff; • use data for learning and improvement; • h ave an engaged workforce that drive improvements and find joy in their work; • a nd, continuously learn and test the changes we introduce, in a structured way, to rapidly roll out and celebrate successes. We recognise that developing this culture will take time. By 2025 we aim to be recognisably at stage 3: Culture of continuous improvement.

The three stages of Quality Improvement:

Years 1-2 Early experiences

• project-based, with an emphasis on operational improvements

Years 2-4 Making it part of early work

• linking improvement efforts with strategic goals • moving from a series of projects to daily continuous improvement

• Changing mindsets and building capabilities • Embedding Qi across all areas of the organisation Years 5-10 Culture of continuous improvement


Trust Strategy Summary

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