DGT Trust Strategy 2020 - 2025

Our next steps

The development of this strategy follows many conversations with our colleagues, partners, volunteers, patients, families and their carers. The strategic priorities have been developed jointly withmembers of colleagues across the Trust fromour frontline clinical and non-clinical colleagues, to middle and senior management. This document is only the beginning of the development of the strategy. The actions we take every day will support us in achieving our six strategic priorities and achieving our Journey to Outstanding. The aims that we have set ourselves for the next five years are much more than just words to us. How will we launch our strategy and translate vision into action? • This strategy will be supported by a detailed implementation plan which will outline the key activities, programmes and projects that will need to be undertaken to realise the strategic priorities on a year-by-year basis. • The strategic priorities will be incorporated into our business and financial planning. • Our reporting at all levels from ward to board will be aligned to the strategic priorities so we can identify how we are progressing. • We will only undertake projects and initiatives that will help us to achieve our objectives. • Our performance as a Trust, as a division, as a team, as individuals will be judged by our success in delivering these objectives in line with our core values. • We will continue to listen and engage with patients and staff about our strategy through existing forums and meetings, so it becomes an integral part of decision making and day to day service delivery.

How will we monitor implementation and impact? • Progress against our strategic priorities across the enabling strategies will be reported through the governance of our Trust Board and its sub-committees. • Each year the Trust Board will conduct an annual strategy review which will focus on key performance measures of success, and provide an opportunity for strategic commitments to be reaffirmed and delivery priorities for the year ahead defined.


Trust Strategy Summary

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