DGT Branding Toolkit and Style Guidelines


Advice/advise Advice is something given to someone, while advise is the verb – “he was advised to take his coat off.” You may be given advice by someone. Affect/effect Affect is the verb – “global warming affects the climate.” Effect is the noun – “the effect of global warming is changing weather patterns.” You have to affect something in order for there to be an effect.

Enquire/inquire Use either enquire/enquiry or inquire/inquiry.

Fewer/less Fewer refers to numbers. For example fewer books, fewer children. Less refers to quantity. For example less than £ 100, less than a quarter.

Focused/targeted Not focussed or targetted.

Among/while Not amongst/whilst.

Healthcare One word, not two.

Bank holiday Only use capital letters when the full name of the bank holiday is used, for example May Bank Holiday. If talking about the bank holiday please don’t use capital letters. Compliment/complement A compliment is an expression of regard or praise. Complement means to fill up or make whole. Comprised Use comprised, not comprised of. Comprised is a self containing word meaning contain. Comprised is used when describing how a larger body is broken down in to parts, not how the components make up a larger body. Look at: “The Board comprises the executive and non-executive directors.” If in doubt use made up of, or form.

Helpline One word, not two.

Height Use figures with abbreviations – 5ft, 2in and put the metric equivalent in brackets afterwards.

Historic/historical Historic means famous in history, historical means belonging to history.

Licence/license Licence is the noun and license is the verb

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