A-Z Product Selector 1
B, C
Bottom Discharge Skip // Suitable for most forklifts and ideal for use on construction sites without cranage facility. When fitted with castors these units become a practical way of removing site waste from the inside of buildings. Available sizes: 1000ltr & 1500ltr
Cable Protectors (New Product) // Provide a safe method of passage for pedestrian traffic, vehicles and heavy duty equipment while protecting valuable electrical cables, cords and hose lines from damage. Ideal for use in construction sites, commercial, industrial and utility applications. Can also be used in entertainment venues, sporting events, amusement parks and most public areas.
Cable Protectors General Purpose (New Product) // Cable Protection System with reinforced hinged lid for easy cable placement. Protects valuable electrical cables and hose lines from damage while providing a safe crossing for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Cargo Nets (Sale Only) // Suitable for moving lightweight bulk items such as insulation materials. Fully tested and supplied with the correct certification. Available sizes: 1.5m x 1.5m, 3m x 3m, 5m x 5m & 3m x 3m (45mm mesh).
Column Skip // Allows concrete to be poured into columns or shuttering with narrow or difficult access and discharged at low level, reducing the risk of aggregate separation. Available sizes: 500ltr,1000ltr,1500ltr & 2000ltr. Optional Extra: 2.5m & 5m Rubber Discharge Hose (Sale Only).
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